About Us
The Cranbourne Lions Concert Band was formed in 1986 by Lions Club member, George Stephens, who took up the challenge when it was discovered there was a need for a community band in the area. Under George’s wonderful perseverance and dedication, the band steadily grew to perform at a variety of gigs and eventually developed their own roster of events.
In 2011, the band celebrated its 25th anniversary. Part of the festivities included a massed band performance featuring players from past and present. This was a wonderful opportunity for the band to reflect on what has been and to look forward to what we can achieve in the years to come.
The relationship with the Cranbourne Lions Club still exists to this day. The Lions Club will often help in the foyer when the band runs major concerts, and in return the band often performs at different functions held by the Lions Club, such as Lions Changeover functions and the annual Lions Senior Citizens’ Lunch, which is held in December each year.